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Small Tune Press independent art publishing is an independent art book and zine publisher started in 2011.

interests to experiment and to explore on small edition art book and zine publishing in various subjects and medium.

Beatrix Pang Sin Kwok 彭倩幗 (they/them, b. Hong Kong) is a visual artist, cultural producer and independent publisher. They co-founded the independent publishers’ collective ZINE COOP to promote zine culture in Hong Kong and Queer Reads Library, a mobile library creating space for queer inclusivity and visibility in Hong Kong and the Asian Diaspora.

Small Tune Press 獨立藝術出版社自2011年創立於香港,專門出版獨立小型藝術書誌。 以少量印製的方法實驗和探索出版小型藝術書誌的可能性,計劃出版的主題和媒體不限。

彭倩幗,是一位視覺藝術家、文化製作人和獨立出版人,來自香港。 他們是獨立出版合作社「小集誌」ZINE COOP 的聯合創始人,旨在推廣香港的小誌文化,並創辦了「流動閱酷」Queer Reads Library,一個流動圖書館,為香港和亞洲及華裔的酷兒群體創造包容性和可見性的空間。

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